Loving LOVE

With a primary focus of reviving the application of the Golden Rule to living a happier, more balanced and more fulfilled life, this blog’s goal is to re-instill in the minds of readers, the one element that transforms our life from routine to extra-ordinary. LOVE! When properly harnessed, love is the most powerful and positive force in the world. Here you will find helpful insights for living a happier, more positive and ultimately more successful life.

Ogor Okoye Ogor Okoye

Happy April Fools Day!

Maybe, just maybe, these people we term “fools” may in fact be the smarter people of the world who simply choose to play the role of “the fool” for the betterment of all.

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Ogor Okoye Ogor Okoye

The Power of Self-Belief

I see self-belief as that trait that makes us believe that we are capable (on our own) of navigating to our desired destination irrespective of the odds.

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Ogor Okoye Ogor Okoye

Re-Igniting the Magic.

There are so many fringe benefits to being in LOVE besides the extra swagger in our steps, and the smile that simply refuses to evaporate from our faces…

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Ogor Okoye Ogor Okoye

You are on the clock, GO!

Ever wondered that we are blessed with the luxury of 24 hours in every single day and yet, we never seem to accomplish what we set out to do, ever!

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Ogor Okoye Ogor Okoye

The Circle of Life

Every culture of the world have parents who hope their children grow up very well-adjusted adults, leave home, get married and hopefully take care of their aging parents…

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Ogor Okoye Ogor Okoye

Because We LOVE Them and Need Them to Succeed.

The reality of our times is that most our children are not turning out the way that we envisioned. The question becomes whether it is our children who are failing us or rather, whether we the parents/care givers are failing our children

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